Llevaba un montón de días queriendo traer esto, pero quería hacerle justicia y no lo conseguía.. Al final, sigo sin haberlo conseguido, pero no quiero retrasarlo más.
We believe in magic. We believe in the power of the mind. We believe that magic should exist as part of one's daily lifestyle. Magic should be non-intimidating, attainable, seamlessly integrated into daily life, and accessible. We believe that magic works outside of systems of organised religion. Magic is a tool and through magic, we infuse everything we do with purpose and intention which transforms our lives from the mundane into the miraculous. Infusing your daily living with purpose sets things into motion. Good things come of it.
•) We consciously defy labels and embrace people from many different backgrounds and beliefs (•
This is a personal and ongoing journey for us, and creating with pixels is one of the ways we explore.
At the most basic level, we create props that are meant to inspire the kind of thinking that liberates people and invites exploration and choices that lead to happier, healthier lives.
We are not defined by a single label, a system of religion or practice, or belief. We are two artists on a journey to infuse our own lives with passion, purpose and personal magic.
From our kitchens and our workspaces to our playgrounds and bedrooms, we choose to infuse everything with a sense of purpose and power.
We love to educate and to share. We approach our lives and our work with mindfulness and joy.
Alchemy Immortalis (alchemyimmortalis.com) me robó el corazón desde el primer día que aterricé allí. Aún no ha caído el clavicémbalo con el que pienso hacerme cualquier día de éstos, de momento -para mi vergüenza- sólo tengo estos regalos al grupo. Y me encantan.

Pendientes: Sephira Teardrop Cabochon Jewelled Earring (AlchemyImmortalis Cyannis) Alchemy Immortalis
Los pendientes vienen en tres formas diferentes, pudiendo elegir entre seis metales y tres piedras diferentes. También puede ocultarse el sigilo (yo jamás, lo haría, es su mayor encanto, pero bueno XD)
PD: Y no, lamentablemente yo no creo en la magia